Accounting Integrations
CostManager continues to work with customers to ensure we are providing a product that add value to your business.
Accounting integration continues to be a strong focus for CostManager, creating a seamless transition from CostManager
to your accounting package.
Xero AccountLink
Our Xero AccountLink is a fully automated process and runs twice daily to sync data between CM and Xero
The standard setup is client details and invoices are sent to Xero, Payment info is sent from Xero to CM (however if you prefer payment info can be entered into CM and sent to Xero) To register or enquire please fill in the form at the bottom of the page.

MYOB Online AccountLink
Our MYOB Online accountlink is a fully automated process and runs twice daily to sync data between CM and MYOB
The standard setup is client details and invoices are sent to MYOB, Payment info is sent from MYOB to CM (however if you prefer payment info can be entered into CM and sent to MYOB)

MYOB Offline AccountLink
MYOB Offline is where the MYOB data and program files reside on the local computer (ether AccountRight or Premier) The accountlink has to run as a service, but the sync out from CM is manual (ie open the icon in the CM app and click on export)
The data updates within 4 hours. With this method, data (clients, invoices and payments) are sent to MYOB and not vice versa